Google gets go-ahead to buy, sell energy....

…That they will use to build robots to kill you.

Well this is interesting.

It’s not surprising that a company formed by book smart computer nerds instead of money hungry morons is doing so incredibly well at diversifying and expanding.
Next in the lineup: Google Automobiles, Google personal hygiene products, Google Firearms… haha

maybe the google firearms would be pretty rad… They could base it off of google chrome; a refresh button to replace manual reloading, and a back button so you can take a shot over again in case you hit something you didn’t want to… no more battlefield regret!

Google is only going to keep getting bigger. They are involved in so many think-forward projects.

But I liked the last line:

Google could not immediately be reached for comment.

Probably using Bing to try and find them :slight_smile:

i cant wait for the day when google sells you a web-enabled mobile product (phone, etc.) and you get unlimited life time free wireless with the purchase…

they are sooo focused on the browser that they must be looking at selling wireless or giving away wireless for free…

I would love to see them start to deliver TV service through the internet at good prices and a la carte pricing too so I don’t need to get 75 channels of garbage if i just want one.

This isn’t the first time this has happened with an American company.

It is only natural for a very well run company to expand to other markets where the profits are high. You can only make so much money in any single market. You need to constantly expand to maintain growth in earnings.