Google racist?

that is all.

did you even try to do the search before posting this?

it doesn’t do that.

edit: or was this just a racist joke?

maybe it did at one point in time, maybe its a hoax.

regardless, I think its pretty funny.

lol. thats fucked up but funny

google search sugggestion jokes are so 2006.5

its simple…mispell “black” (blak) so it says, did you mean “black”… then just delete the blak, type then type white…screen shot.

kinda funny

Exactly what I was going to say.

i see what you did there

aahhhh. still gets a “meh.”

Haha. I think it’s funny.

i lol’d

Look at the first search result though. I don’t think that would come up when searching ‘blak’. I’m sure it’s shopped tho.


Might want to charge your battery soon!

LOL @ people not knowing what the Prt Scr button is.

:bigclap: YES!!! LOL