White jokes

Ok, you always hear racial jokes about blacks, hispanics, polish people. yada yada…but never any white jokes…share what you got!

This is just for shits and giggles…if anybody takes offence they can kiss my cracka ass!!

What do you call 12 white people stuck in an elevator?

A box of crackers.


Lol…wow what? I’m white…if blacks can tell black jokes and mexicans can tell mexican jokes…why cant I tell a white joke?

Sorry, i’m just fucking with you, i’m in a bad mood and i’m white too.

Penises come in three sizes, small, medium and “does that come in white?”

what’s the flattest surface to iron a pair of jeans on?

a white woman’s ass

12 white people stuck in an elevator?

12 People stuck while going to a hockey suite.

What’s white and fourteen inches long?
Absolutely nothing!

What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man?
The PGA tour.

How many white men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One, white men will screw anything.

What did a white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
A straight line!

ooooooooooooooooooooo snap

.taken from http://www.kaitaia.com/jokes/index.php?category=White%20Jokes

So after gym, my black friend’s all sweaty so I ask him how many radios he stole before he had to run from the cops so he tries to make a white joke at me.

He said shouldnt you be out working 9 to 5? I immediately laughed at him and suggested he get back to the cotton fields before a man comes and beats him. He was so disapointed over the lack of white jokes

^gayest post ive read all week

fight me


The problem with white jokes, is that their usually broken down by national origin

i have a good italian joke.

why do italian men wear gold chains around their neck?

so they know where to stop shaving.


from this little bit of information i am able to deduce a few very important factors that act as a window into your mindset.

you’re in high school

and you’re from north tonawanda

brilliant deduction since my location says north tonawanda and high school is the only place you have gym class. your parents must be proud to have raised a kid with so much common sense

i’d like to add that there probably is not a black kid in your gym class, and if there was he wouldn’t be friends with you.

there’s 1 black kid in my whole school and we’re buddies.

the reason they call it a joke is because it’s a humorous false.

When people make jokes, they aren’t serious. Since you didn’t know that, now you do and can go on enjoying life and all the jokes it’s filled with.

you’re a joker

I am quite the joker, but you sir, are a joke