[LEFT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=5]Good Jokes Page[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]Various Issues[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]What do they make from frozen holy water? (Popesicles)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What happened to the Pope when he went to Mount Olive? (Popeye almost killed him.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Did you hear about the Polish terrorist who tried to blow up a bus? (He burned his lips on the exhaust!)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Why did Frosty the Snowman pull down his pants? (He heard he snow blower coming.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]How did the leper castrate himself? (By jerking off!)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What do you call a woman who uses too much contraceptive cream? (A spermicidal maniac.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What’s the difference between a light bulb and a pregnant woman? (You can unscrew the light bulb.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I’ve got a joke so funny it’ll make your breasts fall off! (Oh, I see you’ve already heard it!)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Why did god create man? (Because you can’t teach an electric vibrator to mow the lawn!)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]How do you sink a Polish navy? (Put it in the water.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What’s red, bubbly and scratches at the window? (A baby in the microwave.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What’s blue and squirms in the corner? (A baby in a baggie.) [/LEFT]
[LEFT]What’s green and sits in the corner? (The
same baby two weeks later.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What do you call a pretty girl in Poland? (Tourist)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What’s 8 miles long and has a IQ of 40? (The St. Patrick’s Day parade.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Did you hear about the man who was half Polish and half Italian? (He made himself an offer he couldn’t
[LEFT]What get wetter as it dries? (Toilet paper)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]“Mommy, Mommy, why can’t I have a new puppy?” (“We haven’t finished eating the old one yet!”)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]“Mommy, Mommy, it’s dark and wet down here!” (“Shut up, or I’ll flush again!”)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]“Mommy, Mommy, why is Grandma so pale?” (“Shut up, and keep digging!”)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]“Mommy, Mommy, are you sure this is way to make pizza?” (“Shut up, and get back into the oven!”)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What’s the best way to catch a fish? (Have someone throw it to you.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What do you call three dead babies piled on top of each other? (A stool)
How do you say “fuck you” in Los Angeles? (“trust me”)