White jokes

:wtf: This thread turned ghey after like 3 posts. Back to the jokes…

How do you outrun a NASCAR fan?

Turn right.

OK, not a joke about being white, but if a NASCAR joke isn’t a white joke then I don’t know what is…

Have you read this yet?
This is a joke?

“How many radios did you have to steal before you had to run from the cops?”
“Shouldnt you be out working 9 to 5?”
“Get back to the cotton fields before a man comes and beats you.”

Wow… you guys must be the class clowns. I bet the whole gym class was laughing at you guys… hahaha … “Gustav, you are soo funny. You are a joker. Props to you Gustav for being a funny guy!”

Did you make black wang jokes in the shower after gym?

I don’t have any white jokes. My white jokes are basically joking about how they work for a living instead of milking the system. How they build up cities just for a minority to move in, trash it, only to move on to the next city. But thats racism, and racism is not funny. :mamoru:

I don’t think I’ve heard that phrase as a defense since middle school.:funny:

:lol: @ Gustav…the newest NYspeed internet tough guy…HS kids crack me up.

Internet tough guys are the best tough guys

I didnt say my jokes were funny, I was making a point of there being no white jokes.

Racism is funny but only when the people are joking

I dont know where you come from jack but i dont shower with guys nor do i look at their wangs.

I also don’t sweat during gym

someone’s got a lot of growing up to do.

and if that person is your friend, which i doubt, then he lacks self respect. or maybe he’s just dealt with too many people like you.

at all the schools that i went to, which were at least half black kids, you would have either gotten your ass beat, or a teacher would have given you a pretty hard time for being such a moron

kids these days

Haha, this kid’s kind of funny. I don;'t know if thats a good or bad thing…but he’s funny.

Haha, this kid’s kind of funny. I don’t know if thats a good or bad thing…but he’s funny.

i hate white people almost as much as i hate the blacks!

Coldaccord is obviously too uptight to realize that not everything is meant to be offensive. Some things are jokes. He knows i’m joking and he jokes back.

according to coldaccord’s logic, any joke that can be offensive to anyone (short jokes, blonde jokes, fat, tall, etc.) must be banned from schools and anyone who says one will get their ass beat by the group of the offended because its immature and not funny to poke fun.

Lighten up. Get a life.

:word: i giggled a bit reading this thread

but your double post is kinda funny too.

eat shit and die

I believe I’ve struck a nerve. :mamoru:

i believe north tonawanda is a shithole.

i also believe that your so called “friend” is probably hurt by what you say to him. he wont show it, but i bet he dosent think its cool. i believe that he dosent really find it that funny. i know i didnt find it funny when people called me fat, or told me i looked like a penguin in high school.

grow the fuck up. im pretty sure your friend will appreceate it.

Back to the white jokes please… Go fight each other in person if you want to get nasty with one another or go have sex.

you say nt’s a shithole like it offends me

Calling someone fat is different than messing with someone for being black. They called you fat not as a joke but to make you feel bad. He knows I’m just messing around and that I enjoy the company of black people.

you clowns can keep telling me to grow up but you’re still posting in a thread about racist jokes

anyone want to give me the definition of irony?