Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

I honestly dont care what a now 30 something year old, PSU accredited RX-7 driver that is a big shot manager and lives on his own in his own, phatty crib thinks.

Oh wait… :kekegay:

Here’s $10 clean out my hot tub, fuckin scrub

Your hot tub, or your mom’s hot tub?

You also show your true political intelligence by supporting the most idiotic of political agendas, by wasting your vote away on a dream of that of yesterdays hippies.

climate change is not a political agenda. Respecting the earth is not a conservative or liberal value. Being conscious of reality is the antithesis of the ignorance you try to associate me with. Do i believe that global warming is going to kill us all? no. Do I believe it most certainly could have negative effects on the planet that our grandchildren will have to deal with? Absolutely. The time to make changes is BEFORE things get so fucked they can’t be undone.