Its about damn time...

Hillary Clinton is going to Democratize Congress :bloated:. Good thing. I bet we would do alot better as a Democracy.

Gotta love the wasted tax $ to make NY a better place. She is also jumping on the “Stop Global Warming” bandwagon…sigh. Why do we pay taxes again?

…Just so you have something to complain about? :gotme:

I was being sarcastic. It seems like she is just wasting money trying to look like she is doing something. Congress is already a democracy, and Global Warming is more of a publicity ploy than an actual problem. If you look at the weather from the past 500 or so years you will see we are actually coming out of a mini “ice age” if you wanna call it that. The planet is just starting normalize out now, but people are freaking out about it. People say stuff like “well 30 years ago it was much colder than this”. But you can not call a 30 year span long enough to major throw off the ecological temperatures of the entire planet, especially since something like 70% of the planet’s surface is made up of water, it will take much more than 30 or so years for us to pollute the planet to that degree. Especially for those who believe in evolution, and that it took billions of years to form the earth…I don’t think that 30 years is enough to throw off the planet.

welcome to american politics… if she wants the whitehouse she needs to focus on (or least shoow like shes focused on) public county wide issues.

We have been polluting the planet since the industrial revolution in the late 1700’s.

70% of the Earth’s surface is water. Do you realize how much heat energy is required to raise that much volume up just 1* C?

One Volcanic eruption can change the Earth’s climate but 300 years of pollution can’t?

see… I don’t understand this stance. From everything I’ve heard on the subject… it’s a natural cycle (Which I’m sure we’re accelerating… don’t get me wrong). Doesn’t it seem like a no-brainer to prepare for the climate change instead of trying to stop the inevitable?

What I am saying is people are too quick to say its all becuase of pollution. In the recent past (past 30 or so years) we have made substancial efforts to reduce the amount of pollution. What I am getting at is that the whole “global Warming” thing is the vast majority is due to the Earth’s natural climate change. Like I said, we are coming out of a mini ice age of sorts, so of corse things are going to get warmer. She is basically providing sound bites ot swing votes.

Yes, America has made some (we are still #1 and contribute ~25% of the total carbon emission globablly), but developing countries have not, such as China and India.

Exactly. People are treating it like it is a pleague that was all man made and we must come up with a cure. Its like if you know it is going to rain the next day, you dress appropriatly, not attempt to stop the rain. Pollution causes Acid Rain, that does not mean we can stop rain all together to stop the Acid Rain. Same with Global warming, it is a natural cycle that yes, we have effected a little, but it is going to happen and there is nothing we can do about it and no reason to waste tax money in a state that is already hurting to attempt to stop it. They know this is good publicity. Same reason Gore made that movie. He is “super, super cereal here”.

NO! so he can put his 127 IQ to good use and share his stupid fucking views no one cares about

the pollution was a different slow effect.

the volcano was almost instant covering of the sky, causing total blackness and total biblical shit. But with volcano’s they block the sun, the area underneath cools, air pressure changes then the wind currents change, i could see the climate changing…

no shit

well then i missed everything you wrote in the post then, sorry for my ignorance

you could say that we are in a natural cycle when you consider global warming. And that is true, the planet does this over and over, but is it not a little alarming when the current carbon dioxide levels are about twice as high as they have been in the last 650,000 years?

I see peoples points when they argue against global warming, but there really is something wrong. the way the climate has changed in the past 30 years, is how much it should have changed in hundreds of years.

Your worried about wasteful tax spending? Have you been paying attention to the republicans at all?

Billions of dollars spent at home > Billions of dollars wasted in Iraq.


If we’re lucky we’ll run out of fossil fuels before global warming really becomes a problem. Then we’ll switch to wreckless use of nuclear energy and really fuck this planet up. :tup:

Either way, the politics of global warming is independent of the science of global warming.



jeg seriously why the fuck do you start these threads? they’re worthless…

i always try to not discuss politics or religion with people i dont know well, because everyone’s panties get in a bunch, and nothing ever gets achived. every person is entitled their their opinion, and its highly unlikely anything you say or do will change that.

on that note… how bout that local sports team? doing pretty good this season!

rgr that

And FYI Global Warming isnt some BS political agenda, its real. It is happeneing right now, and its people with a mindset like you who will be responsible for ruining this world. Typical american…