Gorgeous 1990 240SX Hatch. $2000

still available? or have you started the part out?

800? does it run?

solid car 800 is a steal someone buy

Would be a waste to part it out! :expressionless:

Really wish i had the paper.

interested, please check pm

shiiieeet,just like my very 1st s13.crank windows and no sunroof =)is this thing running?

i checked this car …it does need work but for the price you can’t really complain… theres a hole in passenger side floor at rear , theres a hole in the drivers side floor at the rear, drivers side rear quarter panel is gunna need attention to for the rust it has and the passenger side rear frame rail is twisted and bent , looks like it hit a curb and mashed it up or something…

ouch!!thanks for the heads up.saves me the trip

To the above replies, The damaged rail must of come from when a co worker moved the car in the shop, i am repairing the mentioned areas, so as i said the car is clean. Please refer to updated pics tommorw. i am going to start a new thread.

So would you call the car “gorgeous” then?

your starting a new thread so people won’t see the above comment? crazzzyy