got married on saturday-5/5/07

i finally got married on saturday, it was great. i am looking to forward to married life…

congrats. :slight_smile:

thank you

congrats… how come i didn’t get an invitation?


Congrats. All the best.


that mean your no longer a virgin?



Congrats. All the best


i can tell im hitting my maturity level…i am using my wedding money to pay off all my credit cards instead of blowing it on my car…

Congrats. I went to a wedding on the same Day!!

Congrats! :beer:

x2. My boss’s daughter tied the knot.

Congrats. I got married on the same day…6 years ago. :slight_smile:

Congrats…I am up next…Sept 29th

negative there skip

Haha…we are getting old