What a weekend!

So me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost 7 years now and things have for the most part been good but man after this weekend things are fantastic!

Why might that be? Because this past weekend I proposed! Yup, I’m now officially engaged! and then :beer2::beer2::beer2: :krazyjon::violin2:

So anyone have any recommendations for a banquet facility?

now why in the hell would you do such a thing?



congrats dude :tup:

classics on NFB is pretty nice

Getting married at 25? Yeeeesh

She must be incredible.

hell, i was married at 23…i thought she was incredible too lol.
id say congrats, but i no longer believe in marriage lol.

good friend of mine was married at 20


Alright, let me be the first to say congratulations to you then. You get one vagina for the rest of your life. Real smart Frank. Way to work it through.

One vagina for the rest of your life. Good job. :roll2:

sweet repost fry.

congrats man.

Congrats! I was at a wedding this past weekend and have another this one.

'Tis the season.


Congrats man!

Mine is this October.


Thanks everyone!

any recomendations for banquet facilities?


mine is Aug. 30 at the Avanti Mansion. Really nice place. A little pricey, but we are having the ceremony on the little island they have, with the reception on site.

i can’t seem to find a picture of the island on their site, but it’s a really nice setup


7 years? Bout fuckin time.

Congrats. :slight_smile:

dont do it … no if you have been living with her for a while it really does not change anything … IMO you should live in the same place at least 6 months b4 asking question

i did it when i was 19 she was 18 in las vegas… was not really planed.it was but kinda not. we are going on 4 years now and the 3 kid… :gotme:

Congrats Larry!!! She did volunteer to slave over the BBQ at Dunville for for hours in the sun for you guys…

I have a suggestion though. Skip the banquet. There are plenty of other things to blow money on when you’re getting married.