Got some super exciting news!! (Seed V1.0)

I was just blessed with the news of my wife and I will be having our first child. We have been trying for the past year to have a child, but where finally lucky enough to have the news of our first just 2 days ago! She is currently 9 weeks into it, and I was able to hear my baby’s heartbeat for the first time Monday afternoon. It was a moment I will never forget and almost brought this grown man to tears. I just wanted to share my joyous news!!!






How cool congrats


Congrats on doing what 90 percent of the world is trying to avoid. Just teasing.

Heyyy… congrats!



Congrats man. Definitely a life changer… but in a good way.

Congrats man :tup:

Congratz, our 7mo old is great. fun times. we’re trying for number 2 :tup:

Congrats. Practice is fun

:mamoru: But when you are my age, you TRY for these types of things.

Congrats on yours as well!!! GL on #2.

Congratulations!! Nice neighborhood to raise a kid in, and I only know this because I just realized you live around the corner from my girlfriend.

Just want to tell you now 3 is hard


I like fucking also

Yeah? Where’s your girl live?

:slight_smile: I do too. :eekdance:


Congrats!! Hoping for a boy or a girl?

I will be pleased with either, but I am hoping for a boy first.