gotta love ebay.

what some people do to a car is beyond me.
i had an old fiero, but i left the poor thing stock.

Looks better than most

yeah, i don’t think this is bad enough to have brought it to our attention.

then we have different opinions.

don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying i like it.

lol no big deal you didnt hurt my feelings.

it has tail light covers and a wing. other than that its a stock car with some wheels on it.

there was no reason to waste anyones time with this.

i find it amusing that you posted this, and also made this thread

from the side it doesnt look that bad


I think it looks fine. I’m not a fan of the wing, but other than that and the tail lights it looks good.

well, i think its horrible. but again, my opinion.

I think it fits the car pretty well.I like it