
Hey all,

I don’t know about you guys/girls, but I’m tired of reading peoples posts, and not understanding a friggin word they are trying to say. I can’t stand it when people type without using the enter/period/comma/question mark buttons.

Should we instate a new rule??? A rule that if you post X amount of times and X amount of people agree that your grammar sucks, that you should be banned? hahhaa. It would be funny as hell too. I’m sure we would be one of the first forums to do that.

I don’t know. Just the asshole in me I guess.

I concur.

Meh doesn’t bother me. Even posters who you can understand make terrible grammar mistakes.

People who make no effort to make their posts legible should be ridiculed though.

are we reffering to flysky or whatever his name is??? i think he should be banned lol

You forgot to capitalize “are” and “i.” You only need to use one question mark. You spelled “reffering” wrong. You didn’t put a period after “banned” and “lol” is a sentence fragment.

I vote to ban you.

ooooo well done dave, but i was reffering to his bs posts you cant read, at least mine are semi legible. :E

I wasn’t meaning literal grammar mistakes. I mean those that you just can’t understand WHATSOEVER. Brutal. lol.

Bah humbug. Try working with newfies.


Heh. Those are interesting folks, I tell you what.

You forgot to capitalize “are” and “i.” You only need to use one question mark. You spelled “reffering” wrong. You didn’t put a period after “banned” and “lol” is a sentence fragment.

I vote to ban you.[/quote]

Do I detect an English or Jounalism major? :lol:

Knowing how to speak and write well is as much of a curse as appreciating fine wine. Bad language, like bad wine, just gets irritating after a while!

I personally need to grit my teeth to read the stuff Aaron’s talking about. (Kent, you’re fine!) Most often I just skip it.

I vote for a ‘hall of shame’ thread where we put links to the posts with the worst grammar and then make fun of the poster!

Here’s the first one…

:partyman: :vom: :butthead:



I don’t even have English 30. :o

I was just being an ass in my earlier post. Errors really do bother me. I have to proofread/edit thousands upon thousands of words each week. I’ve trained myself to notice errors, so my head wants to explode when I read forums.

But I can usuallly get the gist of the post, despite the terrible writing. I say we mock those users, not ban them.

I like Dan’s suggestion make a hall of shame thread but let’s call it “losers who can’t write” and really humiliate them the grammar thing bugs me (then, than, you’re, your, two, to, two, etc.) but what is worse is the run on sentence that makes no sense.

In this case how 'bout we just delete the post and PM the author with a friendly nudge on how to use a period? …sort of labour intensive though and kind of anal.

aslongn as poeple arntritingliekthisi dont rllythik we nede to inforce ne rules ornething cuz tring to red riting liek dis is just fingg hey

04 t4p3 |ik3 th|5, ph33r 3ht m4d 5k|llz

No it’s more like “LARD TUNDRIN JAYSUS!”

I am to blame for some of it but am not the only one …

No it’s more like “LARD TUNDRIN JAYSUS!”[/quote]

Y’know, it really is sad how many times I hear people talking like that in a day.