That is a very fine example of Darwinism at work.
Dead as fuck!!!
got you good you fucker.
well at least they have plenty of towels to mop up the blood on scene
^^ lol
guys arm catches some serrious air
Hope I wasn’t the only one :rofl while watching that in slow motion!
Looked like casper ghost flying through the air with his bed sheet on
Casper the ghoost hahaha…thats nuts.
Give that man a hand.
lol you guys are sick bastards. :crackup
Its hard to feel bad for somebody that dosent just knock on deaths door but kicks that motherfucker off the hinges. No fucks were given because all they care about are the 57 virgins or whatever they get when they shit the bed anyways lol.
i think this may offically be my most favorite non-porn internet clip lol.