Great day with a lot of fail

Wife is mad at me because I want to stay home this weekend and watch Yankees/Giants instead of visiting her sister in Kingston.

Work is going well but new requirements keep occuring and I have a weekend deadline (This might help with the above though)

Working from home today as the maid is here.

It’s pouring here but I love the rain

Got two nails in my tires but it’s raining so I went to the tire shop in the Bronx

Got fisted for $70 for an oil change and two tire repair. F U!

Dropped blackberry running across the street to avoid cars. Car ran it over. sigh.

damn dude. hope the rest of the afternoon goes better for you.

Things will be better sunday…when the Giants come on

My company is replacing it with a new one. :slight_smile:

The only issue now is the wife is mad at me. I gotta smoooth that over.

meh, not an issue, that’s daily life.

You haven’t seen the wife rage. :slight_smile:

Could be worse… you could own another DSM.


But I’m so young and supple

And this is why I never plan to get married

Chocolate solves 99% of problems with women.

pfft. No it does not.

works for my g/f.

you have a wife?

is the maid hot?

NY doesn’t allow your type of marriage anyhow. :wow

Her daughter is.

I also have 3 different people that clean. They are all f0ked.

Common law. :lol:

We are planning a 2011 wedding.

When I’m old and can no longer have fun then i’ll invest in something that fucks/sucks at the expense of my checking account.

Don’t let it be an expense on your checking account.

While I love Crystal for who she is, it doesn’t hurt that she makes bank. :hug
