Greatest barn find on Jalopnik.

Best Barn Find Ever: Two Brand-New BMW E30 M3s And A Fast Ford


The RS Owners Club story begins with an amazing find: an E30 M3 with just 37 miles, yet concludes with something even more amazing: a second E30 M3 with 57 miles and, wait for it, a Ford RS200.

Now, if you’re an average Jalopnik reader, you’ve likely just crapped your pants with jealousy. I know I have. The Ford RS200 was a Group B homologation special with a mid-mounted 1.8-liter four-cylinder sending 350 HP to all four wheels. Only 200 were ever made, purely to satisfy homologation requirements and almost all have been hidden away in private collections never again to see the light of day. This example has only covered 1,042 miles.

Slightly less rare, but almost as desirable, the E30 M3 is rated as the best handling car ever by many auto hacks, including this one. It was actually an homologation special too, this time for Group A Touring Cars.

The man who found and purchased all three of these cars is a fast Ford collector in Swansea, England. No word on his plans for the RS200, but one of the BMW’s is being sent to a dealer to have all its gaskets, seals and other items that could be suffering from dry rot replaced in anticipation of its engine being started for the first time in 20 years. We wish we could be there to see it happen. [RS Owners Club]

Best Barn Find Ever: Two Brand-New BMW E30 M3s And A Fast Ford

How could one sleep at night knowing he has those in the garage is beyond me.

That Ford is ugly as fuck, kinda like a mutated MR2 or Fiero but I bet its alot of fun to drive.

what a find lucky bastard

I still think that find where the guy bought a property somewhere in europe and it had a warehouse of cars was a better find, but that is pretty crazy none the less!

Call me when they find two brand new E36 M3s.

i beleive it was spain or portugal, doors welded shut.

oh and Best BMW EVER!

One such as yourself isn’t a shining example of human evolution either, but you don’t hear us complain…RS200 is pure car sex and I would perform a many sacrificial ceremonies to obtain one.

Keep yer panties on straight PBJ, just playing

the ford was a purpose built car ,it did its job very well .id deff rock one

that is one helluva find!!! I’d love all 3 of those!! Wonder what the guy paid???

Understatement of the century. I drive that car like I was Colin Mcrae.

People who buy cars and stick 'em in stuffy museum garages suck. That shit would be dirty if it was mine.

oh god yeah ,i have cars to drive em .if they come prepped for a ass whoopin better yet lolololololol

I would never buy a new car and not drive it.

Smartest thing I’ve ever seen posted. Ever. :lol


I’ll take a canadian Euro, thanks.

scratch that, I’ll take the Evo GT2

I don’t see the point when people buy these cars and then they just let them sit. It’s one thing to keep them well maintained and clean, but to not drive them is dumb.

its called excess. if you could afford to buy a car and keep it showroom mint, knowing the value would be high down the road, you might reconsider. but since thats not the case for anyone on here it wont happen.

I still probably wouldn’t reconsider. If i’m that well off and buying nice vehicles like these, it would more then likely never cross my mind that I am going to try to sell these in 15 or so years for a profit. I’ve already made my money somewhere else.

Ugh… those E30 M3’s are SICK.