Greatest Star Trek Captain *poll*

Keep in mind, the right answer is Sisko.

Holy frig I was just thinking of this as a question for some quiz on bebo.

By far it’s Kirk, he fought everything that came at him. He was always either in the away team or was the away team. He gets the hot alien girl on almost every planet. And he keep’s the skirts on his ship short.

^^^ lol …so ture

:smiley: :smiley:

Awesome thread :wink:

Kirk FTW!111!!!

Big fan of Voyager, but Janeway is way too stubborn @ times really pissed me off…

7 of 9 was hot! :smiley:

Where is the " Who gives a Crap Trekkie" Option??

kirk wins because he had hair

It’s the back button.

Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise…BEAAATCH :stuck_out_tongue:

Was Sisko a single parent? If so I’ll give him some credit cause it must be hard to raise a son and captain a starbase.

My reasoning is…

He is a single parent, who took a position that he initially didn’t want, then raised rank to Captain at that same post. He fought the Cardassians, Vorta, and the rest of the Dominion, in a Defiant. He built his own ship. Had his GF arrested, and then hooked up with her after she got out. And he is the emissary to the Bajorans. Plus he’s black.

I’m black too.

Sisko uses his “mind powers” to have dirty anal mind sex with the dominion

because he’s gay

actually he was the commander of DS9, starbases dont have captains thanks, he became captain once he was in control of his own starship

i voted for him cuz he is mad sneaky, the whole thing about getting the romulins to help him fuck up the dominion was wicked still

actually he was the commander of DS9, starbases dont have captains thanks, he became captain once he was in control of his own starship

i voted for him cuz he is mad sneaky, the whole thing about getting the romulins to help him f*** up the dominion was wicked still[/quote]

:bowdown: That part was fkn sweet.

But yeah he became a Captain while being stationed on DS9, which is why i gave him my vote.

The whole romulan thing was actually based on the theory that the allies were behind the attack on pearl harbour, in order to trick the united states into joining the war.

I did also enjoy the war with the Klingons in DS9 is this the dominon that you are talking about?

No, Dominion consists of Vorta, Changelings, and the Jem Hadar, the Cardassians were their allies.

Klingons were on Starfleets side.

Do you have this to host Nutta? I’d like to see it and learn.

Host what?

I think he means DS9

Host what?[/quote]

Yea DS9 do you have this group of Dominion war episodes? I like to see it.