Grill and Chill May 7/Saturday @ noon - Saratoga State Park

“fuck beans that was them wasn’t it”

Talkin’ bout them beans and cornbread.


We need someone to bring cooking utensils.

Cobalts are not allowed. :lol

Well seeing that our house up on lake champlain might have been flooded we might have to go up the weekend of this event… So I might have to back out unfortunately I’ll have a better answer mid week.

I guess the lake had like raging waters and all that.

still in!

You wanna detail my car before the meet? :tongue

ill have time this week:thumbup

I gotta try to get off work… Took today off so who knows now.

I’ll shoot you a PM.

Weather looks nice for Saturday.

had all intentions of going but im gonna be working overnights this week… wont be home til 10am sat morning after a 12hr shift

thats perfect just come at noon u goon

Im still planning on going. Ill bring some kind of snacks and/or juice

Is there anywhere to go kayaking at this dump? :rofl

Theres a little bit of water so I guess its possible

the answer is no, and paul is bringing jewish crackers

No, but you could probably go float down the Kaydeross. Only a few miles away…

Or lake lonely: