Grill and Chill May 7/Saturday @ noon - Saratoga State Park

would like to attend but i will be on my cruise…maybe next one



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Murrdog9000 again.

Are you a cop?

No one likes the tuna here.

i just sling parts for harry man.

He’s just slinging parts for Harry man*

Typical white boy name, know what I mean?

clean up on aisle 4, Bryan spilled his Gay again.

En route

God damn that’s the third time this week

…now there is Gay all over the floor, DAMN IT

Its that damn gay again

Sorry guys. :frowning:

Not cool man… there’s poor kids going without gay and you’re just dumping it all over

:rofl :rofl :rofl

We will be attending & bringing cookies/ treatz as long as its the 7th… we will not be here for the rain date though :frowning:

there are children in 3rd world countries that would kill to have some gay…and here YOU GO AGAIN, just sloppin all that gay around…WASTING it all for no damn reason.

Put me down for 3 liters of gay and paper plates. The woman wants to bring treats as well. Will update.

The boss says she will make brownies! and some more pasta salad.

sounds good buddy thanks