GT4 Mix Trailer

After playing on XLink with a few people we meet we decided to make a movie about 20-30 mins long. Since this is going to take a while to make, here is a trailer to keep you occupied.

Also worth pointing out is the fact that on XLink you cannot use settings. So your stuck with a bone stuck car with only tires and aids if you need those.

The song was choosen before my friend saw NYSpeed Part One, but we stole the idea for matching to the beat. So thanks to Onyx for those ideas.

heh…cool vid. it’s be cooler with the car sounds though. :tup:

Yeah, agreed, but tis cool. I like the Viper spinning.

What kind of frame rates are you guys getting with Xlink. Everytime Bret and I have tried, the stupid program crashes, or the frame rates are painfully slow a.k.a. single digit. :confused:

Anyway, nice vids. If you need some spectacular crash footage, I have some killer vids of myself and a few other people playing where I put a Nissan 92CP into the spin cycle. And I do mean spin cycle :tspry:

That’s not a Viper, it’s a TVR Speed 12

Were pulling like 30 fps at least, depending on the ping. You can’t really play if pings over 100 ms.