GTA4 Stunt Montage

Pretty cool. Saw the vid while I was watching that retarded poop freeze commercial.

jumping out of the helicopter into the pools was sweet. Glad you can finally do backflips


:lol: bike in a strip club :lol:

so much awesomeness, FYI that needs to be a word.

well since u can do it in gta 4 i guess u can in real life

where the hell is the skate park?

and the sky diving into a pool is cool as hell.

lol nice

it’s right on the water next to the tennis courts/bowling alley on, I believe, the second island (where you have to pickup a car for steve or brucie)

how do they film this shit?


there are devices that “intercept” the AV signal and record it while it’s being displayed on the screen (kind of like running cable through a VCR)

I loved the S&M album.

im playing it right now

that just got me so motivated to go play.

the dives out of the helicopter are awesome. i think it’s hilarious when i do that. i’m not skilled enough to land in the pool though. i thought my 2600+ foot wheelie record in my stats was impressive.