Guess what Jerome got for christmas every year!!

Not that it has anything to do with the thread…it’s just funny as fuck

:lol: Thats funny. “what did the Ni**a down the road get for christmas…my bike! and by the looks, all yours too!”

that is funny…

he has the perfect vehicle for his career.

god damn that nikka’s got a lot of bikes.

holy freakin bikes…

so far, 2 bikes of mine disappeared from my house. i’m not saying it was a “black person”. but


As funny as this thread is, I really want to know the real story behind this picture.

  1. I doubt you could come close to building up a stockpile like that of stolen bikes, sitting in plain sight, without getting busted long before you got that many.

  2. No one steals that many crutches. You still a couple pair from some people on crutches and you’d be all over national news like that guy that tried to cook the kitten.

So much ytmnd love in this thread. <3

^ :lol:

you sound like a fucking idiot.

so the pics that newman posted with jesus (who is not real by the way) and hitler get tons of shit and are offensive, but nobody calls beef on the racism in this thread. wierd.

fucking white kids. maybe i need to lighten up, but shit isn’t funny. and that picture totally exists without the ms paint work.




the racism on this board is out of control.
edit: see for fine examples.

whatevz, i like the original picture better. the amount of bikes is funnier to me than the fact that some black dude is in there.

yeah, cool dude.

edit: if you’re a redneck, then yeah, it’s cool. seriously, i don’t think i’ve ever seen anything that 'neck.


What the fuck?

Sorry, I can’t find a picture of a white guy stealing millions upon millions of dollars in bonds, nor can I find a picture of a white guy laundering money.



I believe Jesus was real…so does like 1/3 of the world :gotme:. Jesus has been documented in many differant ancient cultures. The fact that he was alive is not the debate, it is weather or not you believe he was the messia.

Oh, and you guys gotta calm down and just recognize the situational irony of the pic.

word, that shit is hard…stealing a bike is easy…the first pic proves that :P.

how about taxpayers money?
i’ve got one!

Wow that was amazing :bloated: next time learn to resize pics.


thats part of the joke, I think ;o

the look on that kids face > the caption

priceless, and cute in a little kid way