Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster

^^^ :word:

criminals get there guns from those that buy them legally, they either buy them under the table/on the street or steal them. IF you were to completely ban guns (which I am against) eventually you would remove all [most] of the illegal guns.

On the other hand, if you were to allow more people to carry, there would be more guns on the market for criminals to get their hands on…

Gun control is the best option, and this is not to say that it is next to impossible to own a gun, but more responsibility needs to be taken before a gun is given to someone who wants to legally own one

Blah blah blah… great idea blah blah blah… I agree in fantasy land it is a great idea, but this will be next to impossible to have in real life. So keep dreaming.

Uncle Ted has some good points, but he is not 100% right. In theory it’s a good idea, but when theory hits the pavement things tend to go against your theories.

If guns were banned, who would have to give them up? The people who own them legally. That leaves all of the illegal guns, in the hands of the criminal element. Theres a disaster waiting to happen. There will always be illegal guns, the supply will never run out, so the most logical solution is to let competent law-abiding citizens retain the right to arm themselves as they see fit.


, so the most logical solution is to let competent law-abiding citizens retain the right to arm themselves as they see fit.


Who’s going to judge who’s competent and who isn’t? There are a lot of people with gun licences that are neither competant, nor sane. :shrug:

Like I said, it’s all good in theory until you have to use it.

Well you can start with people who have had mental problems, felons, etc. You will never keep guns out of the hands of all of the mentally unstable people, legal or not, but it’s a start.

gun control for the most part is a slippery slope

Everyone should have a gun. Not necessarily carry one, but have the option to if they so choose. Guns are used because people are scared of them and they give the criminal power. When people are no longer scared of them, they loose a great deal of their intimidating power. It would be much easier for me to jump in my car and drive through a crowd of people, killing dozens, but there is no worry of that happening??? I believe that “crazed shooters” do so because they will get noticed and put on the national news if they do that. Ted makes a good point about instances of people being stopped from their rampages. We never hear about those on the national news - why not??? The root of the problem is fear. Fear of guns. Fear of being sued. Inability to protect yourself and reliance on the government and police to do it for you. Look at how the fear of a box cutter allowed terrorists to hijack jumbo jets.

Banning guns in the US is not only a bad idea, but practically impossible. I have pulled my gun on someone before, and thankfully I didn’t have to use it. I’m just glad that the situation was different - like I didn’t have a gun due to laws. Well, you know what they say, “Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.”

People also buy guns because of fear, its a vicious cycle.

Buy a gun because of fear of people - not guns. I know people that own a gun for protection, and they are afraid of it, and wouldn’t use it if they needed to. These are the people that shouldn’t have them.


Ted Nugent is a whack job…

though I agree gun-free zones are stupid…

gun control and responsible ownership are very good things…

everything in moderation, banning guns is completely dumb, but allowing whoever to own one (or as many as they’d like) is just as bad


:word: Although he is a really cool whack job lol.

fight crime, shoot back

Why this guy was allowed to buy guns is beyond me. In NY the police interview people to see what kind of person your are befor issuing a pistol permit.

What do you think some people would have said about the VT Killer if asked? Do you think he would have been able to buy a pistol th way he did?

Virginia is retarded for not haveing a sensible gun control legislation.


fight crime, shoot back


easy to say… :snky:

i think if you have a gun and you’re facing a criminal with illegal gun,

im pretty sure you’ll get shot just after you try to draw your gun…

i mean, cmon, who’s mentally ready to shoot? you or the criminal? :eyebrow:

in any way… you’re fvcked.