Gun show at the empire state plaza tomorrow

Anyone else on here goin? I’m probably going around noon

it goes from 9-5 and admission is $6

I know of a better gun show…

i was supposed to go with john and steve (lacville and 91twoforty) but we’ve all bailed. i would’ve liked to go but there is no way i can squeeze it in now.

its gonna suck ass, and make sure you bring your ID

I was going to go but that would make me want to buy something and there’s 102390853 better things I could spend the money on then home defense right now.

you wanna go around noon and meet me there Allstar? As for the ID don’t need to be 18 to get in do you?

I’m not gonna be at the empire state plaza tomorrow…

oh you mean a real gun show

I keed I keed

last time i went there you needed to show id just to get into the plaza. I might go,probably not though b/c prices on everything is just going to be rediculous

Probably because people seriously think Obama is gonna take away their guns

I don’t doubt it. If not Obama, his fellow democrats.

I just got home from setting up a few tables. Looked like a good turnout.

ill be there. Selling tickets in the booth FTL

you may see me, If you see someone with a ratty falling apart hat that says Texas on it, that’d be me