Gus Macker anyone?

Anybody playing in it? I assume it this weekend given all the courts were laid last night & the hoops have been downtown for a few days now.

I know back home this is huge when it comes to town, just seeing if anybody on Nyspeed is playing.

I used to when I was younger, but that ended with high school.

I’m interested to stop down and see how top men’s group is. In Hornell when Macker rolls in that group usually has some real good players/big guys in it, so I’m curious to see what Buffalo has for players.

never had good teammates… but toilet bowl champs ever year… fucking sand baggers

we won best sport once… lol

yea. toilet bowl champs here also. old school when you’d get custom t shirts. havent played in probably 5 years though :frowning:

I was going to enter but then i remembered I’m no type of athlete

My gf is playing and a few friends of mine that play at SBU are in it.

I used to play every year but living the suburbs now sucks, I have no good teammates to pick from now