You could that with sticky tires, your not staying up when u goose it in the middle of a turn in first gear on any bike.
That happens because when they ship bikes and new tires.Factorys put cosmoline on the tires to keep them from rotting in transport from all the temperature changes. The dealer is suppost to do whats called a scrub down before you pick up youre new bike ,but sometimes they dont do it enough or forget to do it all together. If you dont know what scrubbing down tires means. Its when you bring the tire to temperature by riding usually takes between a minute and five minutes depending on tire compound then rolling the bike side to side to scrub the oil off the tire you can tell by tire color when you have removed it completely the tire will go from shiney to a flat black color I know most of you know this because I have riden with you but for people who arnt motorcycle riders I figured I would post this :banana :banana :banana :banana
^^thats good because ive never heard of that and in the spring/summer im thinking about buying a bike
they don’t put cosmoline on the tires, the tires have their own armor-all-like protective coating which is used as a lubricant to ge tthe tire out of the mold at the factory, this can only be ‘burned off’ with light riding for 5-10 miles.
so its like putting tire shine on tire tread before racing :nod NOICE! :lol
Every time i ever picked up a bike from the dealer theve warned me about that stuff on the tires and told me to ride “soft” for 100-120 miles
and whats the tire shine called because you seem to be the expert ???
i didnt say it was tire shine, no idea what its called, they dont put it on for show afaik, it’s from the molding process for the tires, same goes for car tires/any tires that you buy new, they’re a bit slick til it wears off…
i’m no expert on the matter, just regurgitating whats been told to me every time i buy a new set of tires.