Guys Gone Wild

Finally. My dream has come true.


I hope I see someone I know. HAAAA.

$20 says Cougarspeed’s in there.

I would bet $ more gay dudes than females will buy this and more dudes in this are gay than straight.

So those guys filming me humping that pole on the chip strip last summer weren’t kidding?


^ lol

LOL Im in the free video. Guy taking off the yellow shirt.

This was shot while I was in Ft. Lauderdale.

why not in nsfw?

you actually clicked the link?? and i’d say it’s work safe. no nudes. just dudes with no shirt on. mmm. and it’s called guys gone wild. wtf did you think?

claytons a hottie

woops…totally clicked on this thinking it said “girls gone wild”…c’mon, i’m home all alone, a few drinks deep…meh…i’ll keep clicking and see what happens.

quoted in preparation for sober edit

oh beast.


Jay, why are you up so early?

i was at mojos all night…

i fucking knew it.
going wild?

someone trumped your leather game at mojos…

head to toe legit

my leather game needs work.