Guys: What side does your D hang to?



shouldn’t that be gowned?

haha, Cavi Mike has a small cock!!

As opposed to the last time I voted, it’s now laying next to my left knee…

to the right. to the right.

to the left to the left
everything you own in a box to the left

i wonder if i went below the equator it would hand to the side opposite it does up here?

depends on if you’re facing east or west.

You weren’t supposed to let anyone know I sent you those pictures!

whatever side skunkypoo puts it on :stuck_out_tongue:

i wonder how many people just voted right so their dick could be like newmans…



I thought you were talking about boners, my boner is straight not sure how it hangs though I will check and post pics.


Both, but seems to like the left more…

You want to know how does it hang?

With my niece my witness…

Like a shotgun, BANG!
Srtaight up, wait up, hold up,…

is it weird if one of your balls hangs lower than the other 2? oh its also tucked to the left and to the rear, is that gay?

What an interesting thread.
