Mayor Bloomberg: The biggest joke in office.

I was wrongly under the impression that public funding implied donations not government funds. I was wrong, sue me.

Now I’m just confused. Taxpayers money for the homeless by providing free shelters and free food is properly used money and helps the society, but food stamps and welfare means people taking advantage of the system and they are scumbag freeloading leechers?

Besides that you know that ALL food banks have limitations on what you can donate? They prefer packaged/caned items out of a list of food and there are food regulations to follow. You know if they serve the wrong food and people develop medical conditions or develop high cholesterol they can sue the city? What if somebody dies from those bagels because they were fucked with?

Bagels are hardly a nutritious food and they aren’t a labeled food. If I started bringing home made breads I can see why they wouldn’t accept them out of liability, unless they tested all of them. Nobody knows what could be in them. Ridiculing for following guidelines? Ha!

Trying to make this old ass article a sensationalist issue is silly. It seems to have blown up all over the net without any sort of fact checking behind an old event. Amazing. :banghead