Mayor Bloomberg: The biggest joke in office.


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s food police have struck again!

Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.

This country is far too vast to consider him the biggest joke in the public office, he’s done many good among some very stupid other policies.

Not his job to support and feed the homeless. If I recall, the beggars on the street in Manhattan can make a very healthy wage just sitting around all day.

I can call him the biggest joke in office when all of his stupid shit (like this) make front page on many news source websites.

It may not be his job to provide for the homeless, but in actuality it is when there are publicly funded shelters, food banks, etc… paid for by tax payers’ money.
So when people donate their food to this cause, to help people, and he denies their help, he IS a bad guy, and he IS a joke.
This guy wants to help his city, but this action completely counters that.

We can’t have thirsty fat homeless people shitting all over the streets if they happen to get a salty bagel that’s high in fiber.


The DHS shelters are funded by City, State and federal tax levy dollars.

Food banks? Also get get state funding as part of their budget.

It’s funny I figured you would see that he’s fiscally conservative and balanced the budget on the front pages, but I guess this snuff matter is more important than actual issues to the populatio.

But yeah, he’s a bad guy and a joke, biggest one in the country.

Thanks for proving what I said in that the shelters and such are funded by tax payers.

City, state and federal budget is not “publicly funded”.

Yes it is. Where do you think the city, state, and federal governments get money Vlad? The public, through taxes.

hes a jerk off

Lol at tax revenue not coming from taxpayers.


I was wrongly under the impression that public funding implied donations not government funds. I was wrong, sue me.

Now I’m just confused. Taxpayers money for the homeless by providing free shelters and free food is properly used money and helps the society, but food stamps and welfare means people taking advantage of the system and they are scumbag freeloading leechers?

Besides that you know that ALL food banks have limitations on what you can donate? They prefer packaged/caned items out of a list of food and there are food regulations to follow. You know if they serve the wrong food and people develop medical conditions or develop high cholesterol they can sue the city? What if somebody dies from those bagels because they were fucked with?

Bagels are hardly a nutritious food and they aren’t a labeled food. If I started bringing home made breads I can see why they wouldn’t accept them out of liability, unless they tested all of them. Nobody knows what could be in them. Ridiculing for following guidelines? Ha!

Trying to make this old ass article a sensationalist issue is silly. It seems to have blown up all over the net without any sort of fact checking behind an old event. Amazing. :banghead

Legalize pot in NYS.

Gather up homeless bros

Have them tend the crops and pay them a few bucks then put them up in a shelter paid for by partial profits from said crop sales

Also give them shirts that say on the front “When I was homeless money didnt grow on trees” and on the back they it says “But now I am growing money trees for NYS… I am high as shit, what were we talking about again? OBAMA!”

:rofl +rep