thougth someone would enjoy this vid. i know it’s not a 240 but the driver has skills

“OLD” comments welcome but really not nessary

have no idea if its old or not, and dont really give a damn if it is.
that vid was really rad!

i thought it was pretty hot; also never heard of gymhana before

LOL This has been posted +5 times atleast on these forums alone.


well it was actually posted already once on son240… but im not gona be a dumbo and say ‘old’ cause thats just old and lame in itself. The video is nice of course, great car and driver.

Old just dosnt cut it anymore.

Its been posted atleast 3 time on every automotive car forum and I think close to 7 on son counting this one.

i could’nt agree more.
but whatever gets the post count up. lol


When this video was released, it was posted on almost every damn website I went to. lol.

Its sick though.

i think almost every car enthusist has seen this but i think its 1 of those vids that can always be watched over n over again lol
but seriously i havent seen it in a few weeks tnx


I will only say this is old, because it’s even made it to my grandfather’s e-mail from one of HIS friends of HIS age, and then sent to me.

Otherwise, it’s not old. But it is THAT old.

THIS IS ANCIENT!!! I SAW THIS LIKE 4 YEARS AGO!!! but yea hes got some real good skillzzzzzzzz.

no need to get bent out of shape

im pretty sure the date said 2008 but anyways im still pretty new on here and didnt know it was posted on other car fourms cause well… i dont belong to any others just found it and thought it was pretty cool sorry for re-posting.

some of you guy do love to lay on the hate tho haha

ken block is my hero…

Even older.

… kill yourself