Very cool, let me know. Oh and did I mention I am in 3 fantasy leagues
sweet…watch your ass though…I am sure you know baltimore has some ghetto ass fans…fuck that shitty ass city
pics for poof & u getting an A+!
The inner harbor is a beautiful area and I hang out there on occasion.
There are some ghetto ass fans everywhere unfortunately. I was at the redskins stadium and watched a preseason game with them and the ravens - sheesh!
I guess that was ignorant statement…but Baltimore is know to be a bit ghetto…and when I was there it was similar to the hill dist. here in pgh
yeah there are area’s like that, almost worse maybe. But I do notice there are steeler fans everywhere. So far in the states that I have lived in I have been to or know of Steeler bars - how awesome is that?!?
That is sweet considering that they are a division rival…you wouldnt ever see divisional rival bar ever here in pgh
The prop mgmt company that is paying you to put in pools? In most business transactions, you would be the one buying them tickets to professional sporting events. That’s an interesting twist.
unless it was being burnt down
i had a customer of my company take me out to dinner and to a basketball game in cleveland. some people just do things differently, they just told me they always were pleased with my work.
I’m not complaining.
bullshit, pic with penny
LOL keep dreaming at least there you are guarenteed to see them
if i paypal’d you for two beers would you be kind enough to throw one of them at either A: the largest group of ravens fans you can find or B: at brian billick??
no. you could just ask though.
skinny wifey + C’s FTW:love:
that is awesome!!! congrats!
post up!