Habib88 (27), Atreyu (25)


happy bday


Happy Birfdaze! :beer: Chris…getting a stripper tonight or what?


Happy bday guys!

Happy Bday !

happy b-day

Happy Birthdaysss!

Happy Birthday

happy b-day guys!


and :eek4: at that cake.

happy bday chris

Happy B-Day!

Fucking awesome lol. Thanks for the comments. Though I gave myself a early present last night by going 60 in a 35 out in Ohio Twp :mad:

lol, lies! you don’t own anything that could go 60…

His RSX could make it with a tailwind, I’m pretty sure

but with street tires it would no doubt go careening out of control at the first curve…

had I known it was your b-day, I would have bought you real tires chris.

The civic was pointed down hill and had a stiff wind behind it…or I farted one of the two. The RSX I just would have used 3rd gear and slipped into a worm hole.


happy bday goob…now come get your car.