Had the truck out today

first time since it is running pretty strong…sounds good and pulls pretty hard.but the sad part is i let shaggy sit in it and the window is f up and falling out now…

i was hopping to run it at the track this week but we will see…

i am thinking of naming it CUTTY KILLER

the window needs a plastic thingy!!!

i said i was racing ur camaro, i got something for your little toy truck thou, its not ready yet. actually i got two things for ur(dads) truck, ones green and ones red.

its not my dads truck…its me and my brothers truck…plus the tittle is in booth names…name not William J Haas…my dads truck is a turd 4.3 s10 4wd i am sure a scooter will beat that

that truck is half his and half his brothers. dont sweat the truck. when you see it youll be rolling. shaggy told him straight out ill own you in the stang against that truck

thats cause i had all the spare parts in the truck…ooh and you backed out and didnt want a piece of the truck last night

what kind of truck we talking about

1987 gmc s-15

2.5 litre


anyway i backed out because i was drinking heavily, I got a call thinking some douche bag wanted to race.

ask shaggy and slowbowtie…dont ask quik since his head is so far up everyone ass…its a strong running truck

atleast you didnt call me a douche

someone race my daddy truck(suvblazer)

:confused: i backed out??? how i didnt have my truck. the dealer had it. and i told you to run a slower truck before you could even consider running me. and the dealership steal has my truck. its done and all i have to do is pick it up

thats a stationwagon… :smiley: :smiley:

am i allowed ot run it

todd is the only one htat was in it. shaggy didnt drive it.[for all i know] it sounds strong but that doesnt mean tis quick

you said you wouldnt race …i consider that backing out…plus you will not bring the truck to the flashlight drags…

i guess i will just wait till you get beat bye the diesel then race the diesel since you are too slow


so i backed out cause my truck was in the shop getting a new tranny mount. thats a new one. ive raced numberous times on the street. there is nothing holding me back to racing anyone in my league. a few weeks ago i challenged a typhoon. so why would i be worried about a s15 that claps back

and for someone who drives a 5speed camaro as a DD and doesnt know how to drive his own shit and is willing to let someone who has less experince drivign a stick having htat person drive a truck at the track