HAHAAHAH, Mustang Misshap!

Either open or save, your choice.


Have a good one.

Easy 8)

thats not exactly… good… infact… quite bad…

He shoulda pressed the eject button that you saw dangling.

I have no idea if this is related or not but someone just sent me these two pics out of nowhere w/o any explanation. That would just be freaky if it was the same car/same incident…


yeah, definately not teh same car, the one in the vid is a <'99

I heard that it was the same car. I forget where though…

Er, dude, the one spd-dmn posted is < 99. spd-dmn posted a 89-93
Coupe which is probablly what was in the vid (or it could have been a hatch).

I think it’s the car spd-dmn posted.

ok, having a second look, i can see it now. I am wrong, those switches are definitely pre '99, and the sparks are orange too (heh, I know, the orange paint was on the side).

I like the fluids dripping down the fender and coming out of he grill haha.