Halloween Party - Sat. Oct. 31st - My place...

If I know you, and you want to come, shoot me a PM.

Should start around 5 PM, and go until the wee hours…

Will have some great food, and likely a keg from Flying Bison, but BYOB anyways, just in case it dries up quickly.

There will be a beer pong table set up in the garage, too.

PM me if interested.


What kind of place is this at or are you just having people hang out locked in your basement.


I might be in, I’ll let you know, Joe.

I got a new pump for my penis so i won’t deflate this year.

Hahaha thats awesome.

You better not deflate again…

Tim, I look forward to seeing you…

I’m usually not one to use the same costume 2 years in a row…but, last year’s will NOT be able to be topped…and, i feel i let the attendants of the party down last year with the faulty pump, so i’m going to make an exception to my rule and rock it again.

Bump, for a freshly epoxyed garage floor, and massive clean-up at my place. Everything will be good to go for the party…

Hmm, this sounds like a good time. I may have to stop over before heading to the bars.

Bump for a couple weeks away…

I got my schedule freed up for this…looking forward to it.


Super Luke…bring whomoever you want, don’t be shy…

Bump for like a week away…

I will be bringing the lady.

I will mention it to some of my compadres. Thanks for the open invite.

You’re very welcome.

See you guys in a few days…

Got your message Joe. Have a few things earlier to do but will probably make my way over.

Sounds good Mark…