Halloween Pictures (efight)

it is funny

funny how people pick costumes that fit their personality so well…

so you were a giant hypocritical dickhead for halloween?

I wanna see that costume

you look so excited, sonny.

suprised you weren’t a comedian??..maybe next year.

but thanks for making my point even more clear.

i’m a grown ass man…i don’t dress up for holloween…thanks

Why is everyone smiling except you? Being God’s gift must be a huge burden…


i was going to dress as Hunter S Thompson, but for the cash I’d be spending on all the shit, I could paint another room in my new house or something. I worked until 11pm on Halloween anyway.

dude ur fucking 23 get dressed up and go to a party and have fun, stop acting like ur 45 or some shit like that

god’s gift :rofl: that’s original, good one. and fog machine my ass :kekegay: that air was tainted

HAHAHAH 'grown ass man"

get fuckin real dude… explain to me how you’re anymore ‘grown’ that i am… if you’re such a ‘grown ass man’ why are you making fun of people? sounds childish doesn’t it? i doubt you’re anymore ‘grown’ than me.

i’m sorry, didn’t know there was an age limit on costume parties… or maybe you gauge ‘grown’ as something else… sorry you don’t have a social life… don’t blame that on me.

i had to work.

i make a ridiculous amount of money during steeler games.

yeah… well i was going to drink mountian dew today… but decided to wait til after lunch.

point i’m making…



i bet, but we also had our parties on saturdays

you konw what dude… why don’t you just start a fuckin blog… then you can write your little self-compelling achievement stories to the entire internet, and then realize that no one gives a fuck about you, your reno, or the tips you get during steeler games.

i just realised that the way i quoted showtime probably looked like i was looking down on people who dressed up; it wasn’t meant to look that way. I/myself/me/Mike Blanyer/i.e. not anyone else, am spending this week turning all the utilities on at my house, painting, buying appliances, et cetera… i had to prioritise with the money.

I was saying “x2” to the fact that I didn’t dress up, not that it’s immature for others to do so.

oh i’m sorry… i forgot that we only talk about cars on here…

i figured that out once u replied to my post, ya ur qutoe seemed like u said it was gay to dress up, but u cleared it up, halloween parties are great!

keep going…like i said your just making my point more evident.

i wasn’t “making fun” of you…i just said that costume fits your personality…its intersting that your getting angry that i pointed that out.

I’m don’t have to explain myself…you’ll realize it when you grow out of it (drinking/partying, & yes dressing up for holloween).

i’m not even fucking angry… i’m just used to you talking shit and have the time to say something about it.

yeah it ‘fits’ my personality… i thought of it…

what makes you think that ‘growing’ has anyhting to do with you lacking social interaction?

dressing up and drinking have nothing to do with age or ‘growth’ because anyone at any age does it…

so it’ smore of a personal choice.

so i’m ‘angry’ that you are lumping a halloween party for maturity… so parents that dress up so their kids have a good halloween is ‘immature’… or are parents of 2 kids not ‘grown up’ yet?

maybe you should contact all my neighbors that aren’t ‘grown up’ yet have pretty established lives with children and educate them.

OR maybe you should stop trying to relate someone maturity level to a social function?