HALO 3 update!!

me 2. sucks that you have to get the new windows vista to play it tho.

i definitely got boosebumps when the halo3 icon came up mike :eekdance:



720p high def trailer

130 megs…ZIPPED…



yo mike…you notice the easter egg in the trailer?

look closely at the sign thats flapping in the breeze


Haven’t had a chance to look at the high-def version… but my first guess at the flag would be… Rooster-Teeth???

And one thing that I noticed about what Cortana was saying, its pretty close to the origianl Cortana letters that circulated before the release of Halo.

hint from bungie’s FAQ page


I spotted an Easter Egg in the trailer after I watched it a few times. How do you explain that?


The New Mombasa City Council had an incredibly efficient public works department until and even during the tragic and devastating Covenant invasion.

btw andy, you can still see it pretty clear in the non high-def version…

Ahh… I thought the cylindrical object in the background looked familiar.

Me at work = no video and no bungie website = :frowning:

[font=Verdana][size=2]nah i totally missed that…

shit mnan… i need to play the games again… i forgot some of the story i think :frowning:

after playing ‘black’ my halo 2 controller setup is allllllllllllllllllllllllll screwed up. i still haven’t gotten used to it yet… but then again i haven’t played much at all either…

when i do play it’s on xlink kai. people suck so bad on there; it’s hilarious.

http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/audio/mp/turn_down_the_suck.mp3 :smiley:

ya know what… new xbox 360 --> no saved games = jon starts over :slight_smile:


let the “ilovebees” craze start all over again :slight_smile:

for the lazy:

in the original cortana letters, from 7 years ago when halo was first being introduced, there is reference to “lyca”, a cat


go through the dots for various random clues, including a name (zack carlson), and the final dot which leads to “Start Digging”


Holy shit. That looks amazing.

xbox360 + halo 3 + 60 inch sony HD SXRD + Harmon Kardon surround sound = match made in heaven. Damn i cant wait for this shit to come out! :tup:

I remember many nights of PWNing everyone in halo 2 on our local network while i was in iraq, I cant wait til this one comes out, it looks freakin awesome :eek:

I hate, and love Bungie for this kinda of shit… :ohnoes:

check this theory…best one ive read so far…LOOOOONG too…

I believe that there is a Halo aligned with the Earth’s equator just below the Earth’s crust. I would have to say that this was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the Halo3 Trailer.

I base this assumption on firstly the appearance of the dome structure itself. It is also mentioned in the Bungie’s Halo3 FAQ.
“Q: What was that crazy huge dome buried under Earth? A: We’re not saying, but Halo fans may recognize something about its design.”
Well I immediately recognized it from the outer surface detail of the Halo’s structure. They without a doubt have this same dome design on their exteriors. You can see this on this official bungie wallpaper entitled “Delta Halo Exterior” located here: http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/wallpapers/H2-Delta_Halo_Exterior_1600.jpg

Now when I first looked at this image and compared it to the dome in the Halo3 Trailer I first thought that there is far too few of the huge panels that push skyward. Though if you look at the spacing as they seem to be in pairs, and count them. There are fourteen panels in the Halo3 Trailer. Then go back to the Delta Halo Exterior image and look at the largest dome structures we count only twelve. But if you look at the smaller dome structures you count fourteen. Perfect match, however lets look into this theory a lot more.

I load up Encarta and using its atlas I look for Mombasa in Africa and notice that it lies about 400km south of the equator. Definitely to southward of the equator to align the larger dome structures and perhaps far to southward to align with the smaller dome structures as well. However just up the road from Mombasa is the town of Voi. Same name from the track titled “Road to Voi” from the second movement of the Epilogue on the Halo 2 Soundtrack. This town is around 280km South of the Equator. So if A Halo’s Equator were aligned with the Earths Equator then the town of Voi would make a likely dig site for this smaller dome structure. Also try to remember how sprawled out the city of Mombasa is when in Halo 2’s cut scene were the Master Chief lands on “In Amber Clad” shortly after giving the Covenant their bomb back. Compare that cut scene to a current map of Kenya. It seems that Voi in 2552 has become nothing more than an outer suburb of the greater Mombasa Metropolis. This theory has received yet more support from Frankie’s Bungie Weekly Update located at http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=weeklyupdatemay 1206 were
“xTr1GGeR HaPPYx asks: I’m guessing those ruins in the back are Old New Mombasa, so, whereabouts is the Chief and this Forerunner structure? And Frankie’s reply: That is indeed the ruins of New Mombasa. The artefact and the Chief are where they appear to be, on the desert outskirts of New Mombasa, and many miles inland. The mountain behind him is Kilimanjaro.” Again if you look at a map of Kenya you will see that the town of Voi sits exactly half way between Mount Kilimanjaro and the city of Mombasa. Other supporting information mentioned in Frankie’s Update Q&A section is when
“Just Another Fan asks: In the trailer I’m only seeing capital ships, what happened to the old covenant cruisers, will they make an appearance in the final product? And Frankie’s reply: What you’re seeing is an excavation force. Its makeup is purely practical.” This all fits with the Halo within a planet theory.

These Dome structures are one of the most recognizable features on the outer side of the Halo’s so they definitely fit Bungie’s FAQ’s Question of “What was that crazy huge dome buried under Earth?” and subsequent Answer of “We’re not saying, but Halo fans may recognize something about its design.”

Another piece of evidence to back up this theory is that the Earths diameter and a Halo’s diameter are both around 10,000kms. More accurately speaking the Earth’s diameter is 12756.34kms at its widest point, larger than Halo’s 10,000kms diameter. Also the majority of the Earth’s inner and outer Core are made up of Nickel and Iron so it would be extremely hard to detect a Halo Made of a unknown metal stone alloy under the Earth’s crust using some kind metal scanning as a manner of detection.

As for the concept of building a Halo beneath Earth’s surface, I believe it was built somewhere else and then teleported under the earth’s crust. Why would a race as advanced as the Forerunners who pioneered and mastered slip-space technology not be able to achieve some sort of slip-space matter exchange system and build the Halos were convenient building materials are to be found like the asteroid belt in our solar system. Then after construction in the asteroid fields they simply teleport the completed Halo whilst simultaneously exchanging its volume with the same volume of the Earths crust. This crust material then reappears in place of the construction site of the newly built Halo amongst the asteroid belts leaving us all none the wiser. As for having a powerful enough or precise enough slip-space technique to do this, may I draw you attention to “First Strike” were in Cortana was able to achieve extremely precise slip-space insertions down to the millimetre in spite of gravitational influences. This also brings to mind the significance of the Crystal Dr Halsey discovered in the Forerunner installation under Menachite Mountain on Reach. This crystal changed shape, function and characteristics while in slip-space and increased the power of the slip-space engines on “Ascendant Justice” massively. In fact enough to engulf a spherical area of exactly 10’000kms around the ship in a slip-space rupture along with the 14 Covenant Cruisers and a Covenant Carrier that occupied the same volume of normal space before creating the rupture. (Page 212 First Strike) Perhaps Regret’s Flagship was equipped with one of the three remaining shards of the crystal mentioned in the epilogue of “First Strike” and this is why he created the huge crater of Mombassa when he left Earth for Delta Halo in Halo2. This 10,000kms range of the slip-space rupture and the 10,000kms diameter of the Halo’s can’t just be a coincidence. This must be the crystal’s Significance.

Also the crystal found on Reach emitted neutrino radiation. Neutrinos pass through all known matter as if it were empty space. In theory they could be attuned to a specific frequency in order to create a resonating wave front that’s frequency reacts with of a protein sting (what DNA is made from) in order to kill the life form reliant on the DNA this would ensure the destruction of all life in its range. These neutrino normally would not normally do any harm to anybody, though we humans have never been able to recreate let alone alter any of their characteristics, so maybe the Forerunners worked that out and made this normal physical phenomenon into a weapon.

Also remember in the Forerunner Installation under the old titanium mines of Menachite Mountain mentioned in “First Strike”. The Master Chief and the other Spartans Trained for most of their lives in this area of Reach and apart from possibly a few ONI agents no one ever new about this Installations existence, not even Dr Halsey Who’s Spartan program was situated in the ONI Installation built above and amidst the titanium mines under the Menachite Mountain. For this massive 100,000 year old Forerunner Installation sit 6kms under a Mountain formed millions, maybe even billions of years ago with out any noticeable or detectable geographic disturbance to Menachite Mountain or any of the surrounding terrain, only a method of matter teleportation and exchange, using slip-space technology, similar to what I suggested above could be employed.

As for why would you hide a Halo under the Earths crust? I consider it to be possible to have both a Halo and the Arc right here on earth and still sit with many current theories and Halo Law. It would make sense to prevent a premature activation of the Halo by a small minority of fearful Forerunners in an attempt of self-preservation, as the activation of the Halo would also see the destruction of all life on their homeworld, Earth. An insurance policy if you like, that ensures all else has been tried previously to the Halo’s activation to eliminate the Flood. This acts as a safety measure of postponement until absolutely all hope is lost in a battle against the Flood. That way the Forerunners could fight tooth and nail until the sacrifice of firing the Halos far out ways the price. Then when absolutely necessary, at the last possible moment they retreat to the Arc located under the ice of the Arctic or Antarctic Then the lucky surviving Forerunner descendants, the Humans escape the cataclysm in the safety of the Arc. After the Halos Firing sequence is complete the survivors can then move on and re-establish humanity else ware in the galaxy by terra-forming a new home, much the same way Noah and the Arc’s survivors did in the Bible.

As for how much tectonic movement has occurred in the last 100,000 years? Is it enough to destroy or pull apart a superstructure built by the Forerunners just over 100,000 years ago, a structure that has only been precisely slip-spaced into its current position under the Earth’s crust in the last 100,000 years? Perhaps this is also a function our Halo performs. A kind of thermostat to help our planet maintain its unique life giving geothermic core as it is believed that our Earth is the only planet with such a core in our solar system. Also my theory contains the consequent destruction of our Earth and our Halo so it would only need to be engineered to perform this task and not remain as a structurally sound deep space installation like the other Halo’s

So there we have it. We have a WGD (Weapon of Galactic Destruction) buried right here on Earth.

uggggh, even more conspiracy, but don’t bother to read unless you read the books:


HAHA that really was funny! i felt bad for them, that must really suck. the only reason i’d want a PS3 is for gran turismo and MGS4. SOCOM is nice too but 3 dosen’t do it for me like 2 did.

officially, you can count me in on the Wii. you can’t eff with that.

Wii FTW, I would not want to buy a $400 system that requires me to buy http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=802205

P.S. does it still ruin games when you stand it up vertically?