Hang in there!

I made a picture for you people. I hope you like it. It has felt like this winter lasted 4 years… I didnt have time to make it out of macaroni sooooo… this’ll have to do.

Its around the corner :hay: :mamoru:

lol!.. i think u have too much time on your hands.

Nice knockers on that chick

Agreed, very nice work though.


HAhahhahaha now that is funny shiz

oh man cant wait till summer nice picture maybe u should enter a drawing conest

thats some sweet 3d graphics man haha
I honestly wouldn’t be able to do anything better freehand with the mouse

haha except for the fact this winter hasn’t even shown up yet thats cool picture and you are expressing yourself on the internet which for some reason not enough people do.

lmao hey matt draw that on the concession stand computers at work haha!

good job XD

Good job. So i take it that the surfer chick is flat? LOL

Surfers have long hair. :roll:

is that a 190 in the pic? :lol:

Hey matt, I drew you a picture too.

That’s me driving away into the night, and that’s you in the front.

lets all draw pics

:o sorry John… You just pissed off the summer shark.


ahhahahhaha you’re all too funny

what winter?

hahaha that was hilarious…

what kit does that red car have? :slight_smile:

Great, thanks…now it’s gonna snow in June! :x


Black Rambo doesn’t like sharks!
