happy birthday Sasha

yes, its Sasha, aka turbo aka speed racer’s birthday today!

all hail.

happy birzday

Happy birthday dude.

Sorry I don’t have a sexy pic of you to Photoshop.


i thought this thread was uselss withought pics.

happy b-day bud

Hopefully you’ll get what you really want for your b-day.

Happy B-day Sasha, and best of luck this year!

Happy Birthday dude!

Happy Birthday Sash!

happy b-day man.

well a bow from me and a hbd too

have a good one man, good luck this year with the car and shop.

sweet new wallpaper!

happy birthday dude!

best of luck for this year’s season!

happy be-lated bday!

Happy b day!

who’s this “sasha” guy

happy bday

belated happy birthday dude

Happy birthday man

You’re finally 17, congrats!

Happy day man!

PS I love you

Happy Birthday dude…did u get my pictures from the GTR shoot?