Happy Birthday Tyler

Hope you have a good one Ty.

Happy Birthday!

So how old are ya’ little guy?
happy birthday!!

Happy Birthday Tyler!

But i have a funny feeling he won’t be on here to see this. lol.

And why is that? Where is he?

Mike he’s “in love.” :lol:

Ummmm, I think school kinda took over his life all together. The word “social life” has no meaning within his vocabulary. :smiley:

I hate school. It fucks with everything!

Hey guys, it’s been a while. Yea life’s been crazy lately, with work, school, and my gf. I ope to make it out to the next meet.

Who are you??? What happened to Tyler? lol.

Hey man, I have a gf too and it takes up lots of time, but I show her whose the fuckin man when it comes down to car stuff and the NECC. :wink:

Good to hear from you man. Don’t be stranger. MSN still works. lol.


You da boss Aaron, u da motha f’in boss!

You know it, you fukin know it :wink: