to me lol , for my birthday i washed my car lol so clean but the bad thing about washing your car after winter is that you see all the little chips and dents made by other drivers and the snow :frowning: oh well still any clean 240 looks good :smiley:

Happy Birthday my fellow S14 driver! :lol:

Happy B-Day Dude

hey wait im 18 right? opk so does that mean i can go inside dr inks?

whats dr inks

Sick… That place was a chillin bar Anybody from the oakville area goin tommorow night? N No i was not drunk guy i had like 3 beers n a shat loada wings. I’m not a light weight like you. U silly FJ.

Were you drunk when you typed this? lol

Yes my name is Brad I am an alcaholic at the age of 17. So now that we have clear that up, whos goin to the meet tommorow from the oakville or western area. Its supoosed to be very nice out tommorow night and should be a good turnout. $3 beers aint bad either :beer:

yes 18 8) with an s14 muhahah you all envy my l337ness lol :lol: thanks i hope this year brings less driving incidences

Stop stealing the show Jesse and Brand :slap:

NDTO, all the best mang. BTW, Today is also the birthday of Jackie
Chan, Francis Ford Copolla, Russell Crowe, and James Garner. Another
useless Google query courtesey of Gonad. :ugh2:

Anywho dude, enjoy! :wiggle:

You should envy my independance. I bought my first car with my own money at 16. Folks didn’t pay for shiat.

Happy Birthday.

Hey Goju is Brad not Brand. :moon: My birthday is coming up on the 15th… Just thought you might wanna know. Hitler was born, the titanic sank, Leanardo Divinci was born and they found the treatment for diabeties (insulin). All on the glorious day of the 15th which is also 5 days before 420 for any of you that might no what that is :D/

You should envy my independance. I bought my first car with my own money at 16. Folks didn’t pay for shiat.

yeah i do actually but hey your give what your given and you take what you take right? more power to ya :slight_smile:

i act/look like im 20? im always told that i cant pass for 15

And you don’t gloat about what you haven’t earned. Lesson for the day.

Now go get licked.

Happy birthday