Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Go ahead and eat plenty of turkey, desserts, and more turkey until you’re completely :bloated:, lol.

i’m so crunk i plan to miss the whole effin thing

my family is:hay:

i’m so sick i’m gunna eat them sleep … wait same thing i’ve been doing the the last week

happy bird day.

Omg time to get fatter! MMMMMMMMMM


Happy Thanksgiving eveyone, go slaughter a turkey. :tup:

:frowning: Luckily my mom has escaped the wrath of my grandmother this year, so thanksgiving shall be enjoyable.

“SUSAN, how come my croisants are burning”
“I don’t know, I usually make rolls”
“Well heres the fucking burnt croisants”

And HAVING to have a tossed salad. Nobody wants it, we just want to eat the turkey which is now burnt to holy hell because your dumbass decided you were going to focus on your salad like Martha. UGH. :mad:

i work 12-8

its going to be busy as tits.

but ill be making overtime the whole day!!!

Gobble gobble.

what is open that you have to work?


The New York State Thruway Authority never closes.

I’m one of new york states finest.

“Feliz Dia del Pavo”

“Feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias”

somebody in my spanish class asked why they don’t have thanksgiving in Mexico :rofl:

Gobble Gobble

How exactly are tits busy? Just wondering…

Happy Turkey Day!!! Time to go get fat, then hopefully meet some fellow Scooby owners for snow driving! :smiley:

Happy Turkey Day


I guess I still can drink with the best of them

i drank fucking 8 stoli on the rocks, and took 5 shots of rumple minze


I’m fine this morning, thank you very much. But $70 yellow cab rides back from midtown is the suck. Oh well, better than a DWI, but trains don’t run till fucking 4 AM

^fuck, i can’t hold my liquor as well as this man

2 pitchers and i dont remmeber how many shots

if i even smell turkey right now im confident i would hurl

lol Happy “Recovery from Wednesday Night” Day everyone :smiley: