
M L K Day!!!

Smort38: sort of… i’m here but not really doing much
Smort38: u?
tmoneyblingbling: haha
tmoneyblingbling: just got up
Smort38: bastard
tmoneyblingbling: hey, I need the day to reflect on Martin Luther King Jr. and all that he did for our people…

tmoneyblingbling: we’re going to get our nails done…ya i kow it sounds gay but I heard its ok for straight guys to do it and it feels good
tmoneyblingbling: oh its cool…we got there and they already called last call
Smort38: o man… i promise i wont post that on pittspeed, dispite my temptation.
Smort38: pff gay… we’ll have to get a good mad mex night in this week.
it’s been a while since we’ve had a proper one
tmoneyblingbling: tell me about it
tmoneyblingbling: well I just got paged and Im on call 24/7, gotta run :slight_smile:
Smort38: lol. by patrice or work?
tmoneyblingbling: #1

:rofl: fag

what a flaming fag

I dont even enjoy gettin my nails done that much :itr41: :rofl: