harold and kumar:Escape from Guantanamo Bay

I didn’t see any thread about this but, i saw this movie not too long ago and i watch it allmost 2 times a day and i must say it was good, but i have to ask everyone what was your favorite part in the movie??? you can explain or post via pics…

cock meat sandwich anyone?

LOL!!! the terriost bit my dick!!!

wrong section noob

the NPH shit is the best, I am disappointed Freak Show isnt in it though

lol his wife was hot and her tits were amazing…

mods please move this thread to: Lifestyle and Entertainment, thanks

grosest thing ever was when he stepped out of the pool and his pubes were like blue-green.

then the chicks were like crabs?!?! i love crabs!

lol and it looked like osama bin laden’s beard lol

you like giving hand jobs? you like getting them?

lol so funny

the best part is when the girl answered the door in miami. the bottomless party.

i loled when the girl got out of the pool and took her top off. the guy goes “hey, put that back on, what kind of party do u think this is?”

“that makes you a fucking hipacritizor too… now shut the fuck up and smoke my weed”

yeah bush was the best part.
theres plenty of reviews on this in the movie thread.

sooooo many…

NPH: you know what the PH stands for in NPH?

Harold: uhh Patrick Harris?

NPH: No. Common mistake. Poon Handler.


and that part with rob cordry talking to their parents. holy shit i’m watching that tomorrow.

LOL word dude

the best part was the chick who had answered the door. She had the nicest landing strip ever.