I can't WAIT for this movie.

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay


Wrong forum, slappy… I moved it for you.

<3 thanks babe

looks like a fun movie that kumar is hiliarious.l

lol @ doogie howser again:ohnoes:

cant wait

That looks funny as shit!!!

“they thought you guy’s were terrorizers”

ahahahahahahahah good ole W.

i would guess that degree of interest in this film is inversely proportional to intelligence quotient.

H&K go to White Castle was stupidly hilarious, so I will see this no doubt.

hehehe. indeed. can’t wait to watch this one as well.

it will probably be fucking awful like the first one. probably one of the worst movies of all time, sans the film “without a paddle”

that ish looks funny as hell

god i hated the first one

I saw the 1st one…it was ok. Never seen the 2nd one. May see the 3rd one.

Looks sweet. I still havent seen H&K go to whitecastle.

isn’t this the second one?

now i have the scene in the first 1 where they’re singing the wilson phillips song in the truck in my head. thanks guys