Has anyone been to Big Sur?

I’m going there next week and was looking for some advice on where to camp. It’s going to be a busy weekend so the idea of getting permits becomes less and less likely, so I’m also curious how strict they are on that.

Other than where to camp:
What are some better areas of the park? Better trails?
Things to bring that are out of the ordinary?
Things not to bring?

Any info is great.

Let me hit up my work crew they go there a lot.

I have been through there and it looks like there are tons of places to camp. People and tents were everywhere. Huge cliffs down to the beach. As for regs not sure just show up and pitch a tent, I’m sure they are used to all the hippies doing it because that’s what you’re going to find. That and surfers.

^That’s honestly what I’m hoping for. Most campsites are reserved every weekend until winter.


So all I got out of them was

Bring bug spray
Bring a bathing suit

And sand dollar beach is nice also “McWay waterfall is a classic spot”

They also sent this lol http://www.hikinginbigsur.com/hazards.html

Apparently they’re all going tonight to see the eclipse? Sucks im stuck in Buffalo

i have been through but not camped. however i was going to camp once and it seemed like the kirk creek campsite is the best. as far as permits i guess there is a ranger at the campsites until a certain time at night, then they leave and come back in the am i have heard if you get in/get out when they are not there you are good.