Has MikeiR24 become a worthwhile member of the forum?

not sure what to say to this…i guess maybe i have seen the “light” know that im gonna get flamed no matter what so i just do my own thing. that and i guess i’ve “learned the value of a dollar” so to say.

It’s a TARP!

i think mike grabbed me audio at stereo advantage…

i love picking on him on here, but he was a good dude.

even though he called me anal and odd.

who’s gone through more cars, Me or MikeRi24?

I think i have him beat.

i count the Jeep as #9

the wrx is # 12.

u win lol

he sounds like a chill dude :gotme: i’ve got nothing against him.

no i win lol

ahh i see my fan club has chimed in. excellent!

He absolutely has. Beat a whole ton of you to some fundamental logic:


come on you can’t get on the mikeRI24 dick sucking trend… sureshot! has already sucked him off enough he’s firing blanks.

Its seriously just simple logic, cause its probably something he would think about doing.

yes but as Mr. Fry will attest to, this “understanding simple logic” thing seems to be a big step for me

ok… jesus. now I’m sold… did you say die and someone took your account? Have a talking to? Near death experience? got a brain? told uncle randy to never touch you again?


and to answer your question:

He didnt beat anyone to logic, positivism is an approach to the philosophy of science and makes no sense in the way he used it. All you have done is further the case of the naysayers who agree he is a cancer to this site.

On a side note I will believe that you have found the value of a dollar when you have the same 2 cars parked in the driveway into 2009.
