Hatch Cover with Speakers.

ive had this idea for awhile now but didnt want to test it out untill i got another hatch cover (just in case i screwed up) so i picked one up on the weekend and started brainstorming how I was going to go threw with this, adding my 6x9 pioneer speakers on the hatch cover.
first i got the outline for the speaker from the box (had an outline cutout :slight_smile: ) then i traced it with a white pencil crayon, at first i tried to use an exacto knife… hahaha that doesnt work to well, then tried cutting it with some heavy duty snips, but that didnt work either, so i went to my dads workshop and saw a jig saw. now this worked awsome.

Items you will need:
Hatch Cover (obviously)
Speaker Outline (mine was a cut out on the speaker box)
White Pencil Crayon
Jig Saw
… and anything else you may think you want to use. but those are the basics.

any way ya it was really easy to do here are some pics of my progress.

hatch cover

my outline with the cardboard outline cutout.

these will be going in the hole when i cut it out

yay my first hole cut out, now for the other one.

both holes done

and the test fitting


(wrote this up right before i went to work, so its just a quick job, the writeup that is, the cutting the holes i sorta took my time)

and thats all i got for now.


nice job Brad…keep it up!:R

thx, now i just gotta put it in my car. but that would be for awhile.

why don’t u put your car back 2gether?? u got all tha parts right?..
it won’t take you more then 3hrs…

ya i know, but this way if i dont have my car, even tho i miss it like crazy, i can start paying off my credit card. so im stalling myself and im lazy.
its my b-day coming up soon, maybe il give myself a nice present and get it fixed around then.

i c i c…when is your B-DAY?

march 26, its a monday.
il be turning 22

nice nice…:R