Excuse the camera phone quality. And the car was dirty in the first couple pics.
Excuse the camera phone quality. And the car was dirty in the first couple pics.
Looks much cleaner without the surfboard and wiper. Only one of the holes has about a loonie size bit of surface rust next to it, should be an easy fix. The metal support inside the spoiler itself is a different story, the spoiler was just filled with rusty crumblings no metal at all. LOL Stupid Nissan, what were they thinking?
And I though I would need new hatch stuts as they wouldn’t hold the weight of the hatch in the colder weather… not now, the hatch almost flies open.
This is so gay that I had to make 3 posts. It was the only way I could make this thread. Fawking lame!
I hate the stupid foam spoiler on my car. Its caused two rather sizeable points of rust on my hatch :grrr
So get rid of it.
I’m in the process of it.
Awesome job… no spoiler is hot
Is that your garage or a storage place ?
My dads shop.
nice tailights
I never knew grey looked so good and with those new tails…thats HOT
I ripped mine off today. :lol:
Since your ripping off factory aero, better let me come over and take the sideskirts too.
:E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E
I don’t have those fancy dancy Hicas skirts, besides, I like my skirts. :rolleyes:
Naw I think I’ll hang on to these. Anyone got a pignose lip for sale? j/k :finga:
Atta boy! What did you do with your holes?
Mine are just capped and sealed over with duct tape untill next week. I’ve got a bunch of time off and I guess I’ll be teaching myself bodywork then. I’m doing it with sheetmetal welded from behind instead of fiberglass.
you should remove the third brake light while your at it.
I haven’t decided yet. I might just do that.
I would like a 3rd brake light though just to keep it legal. Anybody know of a hatch back with the 3rd brake light in the back window? I’d like to mount it inside the hatch at the top of the glass. Maybe a third gen f-body?
Atta boy! What did you do with your holes?.[/quote]
As of now, nothing. Firstly I’m going to fix the 4 points of rust that damn foam board created. :grrr Then I’m going to weld it, and then paint it.